(Source: UNWOMEN Asia and the Pacific)

UN Women in collaboration with the Tonga Statistics Department produced a documentary showing how a specialized Gender and Environment Survey, designed by UN Women and partners, was rolled out in the country. The film highlights the importance of collecting gender-environment data to improve women and men’s lives. It shows enumerators traveling to all parts of the country, even the most remote islands, and speaking with women and men in Tonga about their interactions with the environment, the effects of climate change, and the impact of disasters. The survey was rolled out between 31 October and 24 December 2022, and reached 2,541 households, with two respondents per household. It details how complex survey operations were managed to reach all the country’s ecological areas and 99 per cent of the population sampled. UN Women is grateful to the government of Australia for their generous contribution to the Building Back Better project. The project supports the production and use of gender data in the Pacific and Southeast Asia. #earthday #unwomen #genderequality #genderstats #tonga