Census Documentation

  1. Census Questionnaires: Census was conducted using 2 forms – Individual Questionnaire and the Household Questionnaire. The Individual Questionnaire was formed with 12 modules: (Person’s Profile, Civil Registration, Migration, Health, Functionality, Education, Literacy, Internet and Communication, Alcohol and Communication, Labour Force Activity, Electoral Vote, Fertility and Mortality) and the Household Questions with 6 modules (Dwelling Characteristics, Household Assets, Household Income, Children Deprivation, Household Member no longer living in the household, Electricity meter).
  2. Census Proposal: Preparing to carry out the census, a plan or census proposal was formulated to guide the implementation. This document states the task timeline, budget costing of the census etc.
  3. Administrative Report: This report is a documentation of the census structure, census processes and the execution of the census enumeration.
  4. Training Manuals: There were about 4 manuals used for running the main training. 1 manual for the field work which was produced in the national contacts of Tonga by TSD and 3 manuals for using the data collection program – Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) also was created but customizing using the World bank Survey Solution materials.


    Census Questionnaires