Census Metadata

Coverage: National

Geographical coverage: National

Unit of Analysis: Household, Individual


  • Geographical information
  • Household/Institution Information
  • Dwelling Characteristics
  • Household Assets
  • Household Income
  • Household Children Deprivation
  • Household members no longer living in household
  • Household income
  • Individual profile
  • Civil registration
  • Migration
  • Health
  • Functioning difficulty
  • Education
  • Literacy
  • Internet and Communication
  • Alcohol and Tobacco
  • Labour Force Activity
  • Electrol Vote
    • Fertility and Mortality

    • Electricity meter

    Mode of Data Collection: Face-to-face on Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI)

    Data Collectors: Tonga Statistics Department

    Funding Agency/Sponsor and Assistance:

    • Government of Tonga (Financial contribution)
    • Australia Aid (Financial contribution)
    • United Nation Tonga (Financial contribution)
    • World Bank (Donation of equipment)
    • Pacific Community – SPC (Technical assistance)

    Census Activities:

    Census Block re-boundary: Year 2020

    Household Listing: April 2021

    Training of Trainers: 18th – 29th October

    Main Training: 10th – 24th November, 2022

    Fieldwork of Data Collection:  29th November – 4th December, 2021

    Data processing: January 2022 – August 2022

    Census dictionary

    The 2021 Census dictionary contains detailed information about Census variables and concepts. The dictionary helps data users better understand and interpret Census data.


    To access the FULL Dictionary of all the 2021 census and variables are made available on the PACIFIC DATA HUB – MICRO LIBRARY via this link Tonga – Population and Housing Census 2021 (pacificdata.org)

    What’s new for 2021

    Summary of the changes of census variables and census questions since 2016. This dictionary helps the users better understand and interpret Census data.

    Reference date: 30th November, 2022


    The following tables outline:

    New variables – there are 40 new questions for 2021 which contains overall 101 new variables. Most these are derived from the new questions on the Labour Force Activity Module (6 new question and 16 new variables). 2 new modules were introduced which were the Household Children Deprivation module and the Household members no longer living in household.

    Changed variables – changes to questions and standards can affect how the is output. This table gives an overview of the key changes to variables from 2016 to 2021.

    Removed variables – details of the variables and modules that were removed for 2021.

    Module Variable Question Description of Change
    Geographical Information census_unit GI4. Census Unit number The smallest area used for census data collection in the census 2021
    Household/Institution Information inst_type II6. What is the institution type? New question to capture the types of institutions in Tonga
    Person Roster live_with ID1.8 Who lives with NAME in this household? A new multi-select question on household composition
    1. Individual Profile father_in_hh ID1.10 Is NAME’s biological father living in the household? New question on the respondent’s biological father inserted due to user demand
    2. Migration ur_1_year_ago ID3.2 Did NAME live in this village one year ago? New question inserted due to user demand
    2. Migration ur_5_year_ago ID3.3 Did NAME live here five years ago? New question inserted due to user demand
    4. Health chron_illness ID4.1 Has NAME ever been told by a health professional that he/she has any of these ongoing NCD or chronic illness? New question inserted due to user demand
    4. Health covid_stress ID4.4 In the last 7 days, how many days has NAME experienced stress, anxiety, depressed or hopelessness due to COVID – 19? New question demanded in preparation for the COVID-19 pandemic
    4. Health covid_vaccinated ID4.5 Have NAME been given the COVID-19 vaccination? New question demanded in preparation for the COVID-19 pandemic
    4. Health reason_notvaccinated ID4.5a What is the reason for NAME not getting the COVID-19 vaccine? New question demanded in preparation for the COVID-19 pandemic
    10. Labour Force Activity income_year ID10.10 In the last 12 months has NAME received earn income or been a beneficiary from? New question on inserted due to user demand. This question was asked to household members aged 15 above.
    10. Labour Force Activity income_totalAmount ID10.10a From all the sources of income, what will the total income be, that NAME receive. New question on inserted due to user demand. This question was asked to household members aged 15 above.
    10. Labour Force Activity / Financial Account bank_account ID10.11 Does NAME have an individual or shared bank account or any other financial institution in the last 12 months. New question on inserted due to user demand. This question was asked to household members aged 15 above.
    10. Labour Force Activity / Deprivation money_for_cloth ID10.12 Does NAME have enough money to replace worn-out clothes? New question on inserted due to user demand. This question was asked to household members aged 15 above.
    10. Labour Force Activity / Deprivation money_for_presents ID10.13 Does NAME have enough money to buy presents for friends or family once a year? New question on inserted due to user demand. This question was asked to household members aged 15 above.
    10. Labour Force Activity / Deprivation seasonal_Worker ID10.14 Was NAME employed in temporary labour mobility schemes in Australia or NZ at any time between January 2020 and November 2021? New question on inserted due to user demand. This question was asked to household members aged 15 above.
    1. Dwelling Characteristics disaster_preparanes HH1.17 This household prepared for any natural disaster emergency, such as tropical cyclone, tsunami, earthquake, flooding, or any natural disaster? New sets of questions introduced to captured information on disaster preparedness
    2. Household assets hhld_goods HH2.1 Does this household have any of the following goods? 7 new assets (Electric Kettle, Electric frying pans, In-board Engine, Out-board Engine, Water heater, Plastic water tank, Cement water tank) added to the household goods as users request.
    2. Household assets num_items HH2.2 How many NAME does your household own? Quantity of these new household goods – Electric Kettle, Electric frying pans, In-board Engine, Out-board Engine, Water heater, Plastic water tank, Cement water tank
    2. Household assets type_internet HH2.12a What type of internet access is this? An additional question to the household internet access to get the type of access, and to each 5 types.
    3. Household income sources seasonalwork_remittance HH3.2a Is the main source of remittances from temporary labour mobility scheme in Australia or New Zealand? New question on Seasonal workers and the Labour mobility scheme
    3. Household income sources swp_rse HH3.3 Has any member of this household ever been employed in a temporary labour mobility scheme in Australia or New Zealand? New question on Seasonal workers and the Labour mobility scheme
    3. Household income sources swp_rse_2020 HH3.4 Has any member of this household been employed in any temporary labour mobility scheme in Australia or New Zealand SWP or the RSE at any time since January 2020? New question on Seasonal workers and the Labour mobility scheme
    3. Household income sources goals_labourscheme HH3.5 Has any member of this household achieved any one of these goals because of participation in temporary labour mobility scheme in Australia and New Zealand? New question on Seasonal workers and the Labour mobility scheme
    3. Household income sources issues_labourmobilityscheme HH3.6 In the last 12 months, has any member of the household experienced any social problem because a household member participated in temporary labour mobility schemes In Australia or New Zealand? New question on Seasonal workers and the Labour mobility scheme
    4. Household Children Deprivation have_threemeals HH4.1 Do children of this household have three meals a day? If no, why not? New module added on Deprivation for Children age 0-14
    4. Household Children Deprivation celebrations HH4.2 Do children of this household have celebrations on special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas or religious festival? If no, why not? New module added on Deprivation for Children age 0-14
    4. Household Children Deprivation have_fruits_vege HH4.3 Do children of this household have fresh fruits and vegetable at least once a day? If no, why not? New module added on Deprivation for Children age 0-14
    4. Household Children Deprivation study_suitableplace HH4.4 Do children of this household have a suitable place to study or do homework? If no, why not? New module added on Deprivation for Children age 0-14
    4. Household Children Deprivation havesuitable_booksathome HH4.5 Do children of this household have books at home suitable for their age? If no, why not? New module added on Deprivation for Children age 0-14
    4. Household Children Deprivation fat HH4.6 During the last 7 days, how many times per day does this household usually eat foods high in fat, such as corned beef, BBQ, fried chicken, mutton, or turkey tails etc.? New module added on Deprivation for Children age 0-14
    5. Household members no longer living in household num_hh_size HH5.2 How many household member(s) no longer living here? New section added to collect information on household members who are no longer living in household
    5. Household members no longer living in household sex_absent HH5.3 What is the Sex of this person New section added to collect information on household members who are no longer living in household
    5. Household members no longer living in household age_absent HH5.4 What is the Age of this person? New section added to collect information on household members who are no longer living in household
    5. Household members no longer living in household reason_absence HH5.5 What is the reason of this person’s absence? New section added to collect information on household members who are no longer living in household
    5. Household members no longer living in household other_reason_absence HH5.5a Other (specify) New section added to collect information on household members who are no longer living in household
    5. Household members no longer living in household dep_date HH5.6 What is the date of death/departure? New section added to collect information on household members who are no longer living in household
    5. Household members no longer living in household countrylive HH5.7 Which country is he/she living in during this time? New section added to collect information on household members who are no longer living in household
    6. Electricity Meter have_electric_meter HH6.1 Does this household have its own electricity meter? New question to get information on household’s electricity meter
    6. Electricity Meter have_electric_meter HH6.1a How many electricity meters does this household have? New question to get information on household’s electricity meter


    Module Variable Question Description of Change
    1. Individual Profile ethnicity ID1.13 Which ethnic group does NAME belong to? This question has changed into a multi-select question formulating 12 new questions according to the ethnicity categories
    8. Internet and Communication location_internet ID8.4 Where did NAME use the internet in the last 3 months? This question has changed into a multi-select question formulating 5 new questions according to the options. This question was asked to household members aged 10 above.
    8. Internet and Communication internet_purpose ID8.5 What is the 3 main reason for NAME using the internet? This question has changed into a multi-select question formulating 8 new questions according to the options. This question was asked to household members aged 10 above.
    10. Labour Force Activity current_activity ID10.1 Which of the following does NAME’s mainly do at present? This question was created according to the structure, concept and flow of the 2021 Census Labour force module. This question was asked to household members aged 15 above.
    10. Labour Force Activity product_mainpurpose ID10.2 Are these products intended mainly for sale or for family use? This question was created according to the structure, concept and flow of the 2021 Census Labour force module. This question was asked to household members aged 15 above.
    10. Labour Force Activity production ID10.2a What are the main products produced? This question was created according to the structure, concept and flow of the 2021 Census Labour force module. This question was asked to household members aged 15 above.
    10. Labour Force Activity do_lastweek ID10.3 Last week, did NAME… This question was created according to the structure, concept and flow of the 2021 Census Labour force module. This question was asked to household members aged 15 above.
    10. Labour Force Activity willing_towork ID10.4b At present does NAME want or willing to work for pay or start own business activity? This question was created according to the structure, concept and flow of the 2021 Census Labour force module. This question was asked to household members aged 15 above.
    10. Labour Force Activity employment_status ID10.9 Does NAME work as…? This question was created according to the structure, concept and flow of the 2021 Census Labour force module. This question was asked to household members aged 15 above.
    10. Labour Force Activity employment ID10.9a What best describes NAME’s business or place of work? This question was created according to the structure, concept and flow of the 2021 Census Labour force module. This question was asked to household members aged 15 above.
    5. Household members no longer living in household moved_hh_last_12month HH5.1 In the last 12 months, has any member of the household no longer living here? Different reference point as 2016 was referring to 3 months but 2021 referred to 12 months
    Module Variable Question Description of Change
     1.  GEOGRAPHICAL ID block  ID4. Please enter the block number This question existed in 2016 but has now removed and replaced with the census unit.
    4. MODULE A: Population Characteristics a9_national_id  A9. Does NAME have a National Identity Card? This question is no longer applicable and not in demand for collection, and therefore removed
     7. MODULE D: Economic Activities Last Week d1e_more_hrs_mainact  D1e. Would NAME be willing to work more hours in this main activity? With the new structure and customization of the LFS module. This question was no longer needed.
     7. MODULE D: Economic Activities Last Week d5_how_looking__1  D5. How did NAME looking for a job last week?  You can choose more than one answer here With the new structure and customization of the LFS module. This question was no longer needed.
     7. MODULE D: Economic Activities Last Week Secondary activity SECTION All the questions under the Secondary activities section This module was not needed to be collected in this census because it will be in the Labour Force Survey (LFS). The most recent LFS was in 2018 and the next would be 2023
     11. MODULE H: Agriculture and Fishing h1_agricuture  H1. Has any member of this HH operated land for agriculture in the last 12 months? This module in 2016 was consist of 32 questions and 75 variables and to be collected in the upcoming 2023 Agriculture Census.
     12. MODULE I: Visitors Institution Person MODULE All the questions under the Visitor/Institution module Information collected in this module was collected in one or two modules in the individual questionnaire, therefore removed