Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) is an international survey program that is the largest source of statistically sound and internationally comparable data on women and children worldwide. The Tonga MICS collected data on health, nutrition, child protection, education, water, sanitation and hygiene as well as domestic violence amongst other topics, and provides disaggregated data for identification of disparities to inform policies aimed at social inclusion of the most vulnerable population.

Developed by UNICEF and with its support together with UNFPA, and in collaboration with Pacific Community (SPC), the Statistics Department’s Censuses and Surveys Program conducted its first ever MICS in 2019 with the results made available to the public in 2020.

Out of the 232 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicators, 33 are covered by MICS. Click here for the Tonga MICS 2019 Survey Findings Report

This survey consisted of 6 Questionnaires:

  1. Household Questionnaire
  2. Individual questionnaire for Women (age 15-49)
  3. Individual questionnaire for Men (age 15-49)
  4. Children Age 5-17 Years Questionnaire
  5. Children Under 5 Years Questionnaire
  6. Water Quality Testing Questionnaire


Sample Coverage

Final Report

2019 MICS Findings Report

2019 MICS Survey Findings Report

Tonga MICS 2019 - Snapshot of Key Findings

Tonga MICS 2019- Snapshot of Key Findings

Preliminary Release 

Fact Sheet - Tonga MICS 2019

This fact sheet covers 12 topics namely:

  1. Household characteristics
  2. Use of tobacco and alcohol; also Living arrangements
  3. Child mortality
  4. Maternal health
  5. Reproductive and sexual behavior
  6. Child health, immunization and seeking care for illness
  7. Child nutrition and development
  8. Learn (School attendance, Education Parity Indices, Parental involvement and functional reading and number skills)
  9. Child discipline, labor, marriage and development
  10. Domestic Violence – Protected from violence and exploitation
  11. Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) – Live in a safe and clean environment
  12. Equitable chance in life.

*Click on the link below to download

Tonga MICS Fact Sheet

The Situation of children and their vulnerabilities to COVID-19 in Tonga

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has put the world in a crisis footing and children risk being its biggest victims. This is a universal crisis and for some children, the impact will be lifelong.

Moreover, the harmful effects of this pandemic will not be distributed equally. They are expected to be most damaging for children in the poorest households, and for those in already disadvantage or vulnerable situations. Timely, disaggregated, and quality data on the situation of children can help identify where the most vulnerable live so that interventions to counteract the potential adverse effects of COVID19 can be implemented to reach those most in need.

*Click on the link below to download

Tonga MICS 2019 COVID19 and Children

*Above documents released where made possible with the technical support provided by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Pacific Community (SPC.)